Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The unknown things.

Its quite fascinating to know that people come up with new ideas and build upon the creativity as they open there mind. For instance, I've never thought that someone would ever build a vegeterian McDonalds. This event occurred recently in September,4th, 2012. This non- meat restaurant was built in India. It's also the first one ever built within the United States of America. Most people considered the fact of how the majority of the Indian population avoids certian types of meat. For example, Hindus consider cows sacred and don't eat beef, while Muslims avoid pork. Its also quite compelling to percieve that Indians spend a quarter of their income on food, compared to the one point five percent they shell out for health issues in life.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

One more to the lake

This story is about a young man reminising about how his vacation was each year to a lake in Maine.  They would go each year for a whole month along with his son.  The activities would include fishing, camping, canoing, swimming and of course eating.  The author spoke destinctively reguarding how easy it seems not to have a care in the world just enjoying life.  He gave details to each and every event that occurred.  The mood of this story was remembering details of the past vacations and it allowed you to visibly see how people interact with one another because he painted a picture as he was telling the story. The author purpose was to  entertain you about the leisure time he was on vacation.  The tone was almost if he was trying to have to compare how vacations was so much fun and enjoyable verses how they are know.

Mother Tongue by Amy

This  story is about a young lady that enjoyed everything about the english language. But her mother on the other hand has broken english though she reads all kinds of books, reports and other material.  Amy friends understand only 50 percent of what she says and others understand 80 to 90 percent.  But to Amy she understands her perfectly clear when her mom speaks.  Amy is actually describing to the reader that when people hear the way her mom speaks it's broken english or limited english.  Even to the fact when she was younger she was literally ashamed and embarressed of the way her mom used english. And when Amy was a teenager her mom relied on her to answer the phone and conversate on the behalf  of her mother.  The author is saying that she believes that her mothers english had an effect on limiting her possibilites.  The purpose was to inform you about how her mom broken english was not affective communication.  The mood was that you had compassion for Amy because she had to deal with this pretty much all her life and a young girl. And even though her mom was intelligent but appeared ignorant because she had a communication problem.