Tuesday, October 2, 2012

One more to the lake

This story is about a young man reminising about how his vacation was each year to a lake in Maine.  They would go each year for a whole month along with his son.  The activities would include fishing, camping, canoing, swimming and of course eating.  The author spoke destinctively reguarding how easy it seems not to have a care in the world just enjoying life.  He gave details to each and every event that occurred.  The mood of this story was remembering details of the past vacations and it allowed you to visibly see how people interact with one another because he painted a picture as he was telling the story. The author purpose was to  entertain you about the leisure time he was on vacation.  The tone was almost if he was trying to have to compare how vacations was so much fun and enjoyable verses how they are know.


  1. It is a lot easier for a child to enjoy a vacation because children are very easily entertained. As adults, out demands for entertainment and leisure grow considerably.

  2. I like that you go into detail throughout your summary about the excerpt.You came to the same conclusion that i did, Good job!

  3. I can tell that you understood what you read. Great choice of the story to read. Your opinion was very creative and I would have never picked that definition for the tone of the story but I think you nailed it.

  4. I also thought this piece painted a picture for us. It was very easy to picture yourself along for the father-son trip. Good explanations.
